



  • 你去百度去搜,我原先写过,是抄的那上面的


  • <香蕉涪激帝刻郜灸佃熏顶抹的自述> 大家好!我是人见人爱的香蕉.我有很多颜色的衣服,红色的、绿色的、黄色的……我还有许多好听的名字,黄香蕉、国光、红富士……我含有多种维生素,营养丰富.我的味道酸甜可口,除了可以直接吃外,还可以加工成香蕉汁、香蕉脯等. 小朋友,你喜欢我吗?


  • Chinese generally dont express their feelings very well in Chinese culture context. So Disney had to make flexible labor practices which fit local cultures. Now there is multiple languages are spoken by the staff in Hong Kong Disney include: English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.In the beginning, Disney in Hong Kong exist many labor practices problems. McPhail point out the most popular problems which the staff always complain include: short lunch breaks, long hours, and an insufficient number of staff. As a result, Disney had to set up a union called the Hong Kong Disney Cast Members to solve this kind of problem.
  • ThecChinese generally dont express their feelings very well in the Chinese culture. So, Disney had to make flexible labor practices which fit local cultures. Now multiple languages are spoken by the staff in Hong Kong Disney, which include English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.In the beginning, there were many labor practices problems in Hong Kong Disney. McPhail point outs that the most popular problems are what the staff always complain with, which include: short lunch breaks, long wotking hours, and an insufficient number of staff. As a result, Disney had to set up a union called the Hong Kong Disney Cast Members to solve this kind of problem.
